Graphic design

Brasserie Jean Martin

The Jean Martin brewery is a fictitious brewery created as part of a visual communication course at the HEIG-VD. The goal was to create a visual identity for a company by choosing among 4 proposals of names and 4 proposals of activities.

The concept

Jean Martin is a swiss brewer who has created his own micro-brewery name after himself. Passionate about super heroes since he was a kid, he wanted to create a universe merging beers and super heroes. Thank to the alliance of his two passions, he is able to offer a quality beer that stand out from the rest because of its unique taste and its design.

The website is a project realized during an e-commerce course at the HEIG-VD. The goal of the project was to create an e-commerce store as well as its blog, its graphic identity and its various social networks. The website is dedicated to Tom Hanks and the universe of his movies.

Bar 492

As a project for a Print Media Ecosystem course at HEIG-VD, I was asked to make a trombinoscope including each student in my class. The final poster had to be in A0 format and no other constraints were submitted. As a universe for this project, I decided to go towards a beach bar atmosphere, a bit vintage.