Hi, my name is

Simon Meia

I'm a web developer based in Switzerland

Wanna see my work ?

Who am I ?

Picture of Simon Meia

About Me

My name is Simon Meia and I am a 22 years old media engineer specialized in web development. I live in Switzerland and I'm passionate about movies, video games and the LOTR universe.

My Journey

After a first degree in computer science I decided to slightly reorient myself towards the web. So I did a bachelor in media engineering at the HEIG-VD, specializing in web development.

My Tools

Passionate and proactive, I like to learn new technologies to complete projects. Currently, my sharpest tools are : Vue.js, Tailwind CSS and Express.js.

My Work




MovieElo is a website that aims to rank the movies on my Notion watchlist by comparing them and using the ELO formula. It's a personal and solo project.

preview of MovieElo project



Packige is a school group project. It is a PWA that allows students in the school to view their schedules, manage their grades as well as keep a class journal shared with other class members.

preview of Packige project

Sleeping Time


Sleeping Time is a school data visualization project. It aims to put in shape the different times I went to bed in the last years.

preview of Sleeping Time project

My other skills

Picture of Simon Meia

Graphic Design

During my studies I had the chance to work on graphic design projets such as a micro-brewery's brand identity, social medias content, flyers design or poster design. With all these projects I trained my critical wiew on design.

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These past years I started taking pictures during events and it is a hobby that I continue to do as often as I can.

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Get in touch !

Let's work together

Are you intersted in working with me ? I would be happy to take part in you project ! Feel free to contact me.

Write me an email